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Esperanto Pronunciation

  • Auteur: John Wells
  • Type: CD-rom, manuels/dictionnaires, anglais
  • Disponibilité: En stock
  • Prix: €9.99
  • Année de publication: 2004
  • Forme: kompakta_disko
  • Description: KD kun sono kaj datenoj. En la sona parto estas anglalingvaj prelego kaj priskribo pri Esperanta prononcado, kanto en Esperanto, kaj kelkaj esprimoj en la angla kaj Esperanto. En la datena parto estas la tekstoj de la sona parto kaj Kurso de Esperanto 3.03 por Vindozo.
    • 1. Why Learn Esperanto? [11:59] John Wells, professor of phonetics at University College, London, explains why people learn Esperanto, and why it is a good language to learn.
    • 2. Esperanto Pronunciation: Vowels. [6:00] John Wells gives the correct pronunciation of Esperanto vowels and diphthongs, with special tips for people used to speaking English.
    • 3. Esperanto Pronunciation: Consonants. [6:00] John Wells continues his advice, addressing the Esperanto consonants and numerals.
    • 4. Verdaj La Junkoj Ho! [4:15] Is it possible to sing in a planned language like Esperanto? Of course! Here is a song in Esperanto, sung by Stephen Thompson, translated from the traditional English Green Grow the Rushes Oh!
    • 5. Some Useful Expressions [7:11] Sixty English phrases (taken from the EAB Free Postal Course, plus a few cult catch-phrases too), presented with their Esperanto translations.
    • 6. Some Useful Expressions [7:08] The same phrases, in Esperanto then English.
  • Durée: 42 min
  • Poids: 20 g
  • ISBN: 0-901757-18-7
  • Évaluation: Ajouter mon évaluation
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