You have the choice between two search functions. The upper one shows a list according existing categories. So you can ask e.g. for a list of novels, new items,... . The lower one gives the possibility to create your own list based on a search string.
Lists by: Author - Translator - Illustrator - Collaborator - Reviewer - Year of publication - Original language - Publisher of the review - Name(author|translator|illustrator|contributor) - Number of reviews
or make your own list based on a search string (You can mention several words, for example "Zamenhof parolado" or "disko Kajto") (For special characters you can use unicode: "Voĉo", "Wüster" or if that is not possible: "Voc!^o", "Wu!"ster", "W?ster") ("?" means any character, "*" means any amount of characters as in "W*ter")